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Author Guidelines

Articles should be suitably divided into the following sub‐sections: ABSTRACT, INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS and REFERENCES. Tables and figures should be appended separately at the end. The headings INTRODUCTION and CONCLUSION need not be mentioned in the text.

Title Should be short and precise and in the next line, names of the author's, institutional affiliation, full mailing address including e‐mail with corresponding address.

Abstract Concise summation of findings not exceeding 200 words should be written in brief and define a scope of work. Abstract should be followed by 5‐7 keywords.

Introduction Should be brief without heading not exceeding 300 words and define a scope of work with recent relevant references must be cited.

Materials and Methods Should provide adequate details on the materials used, experimental design and the techniques followed. Statistical methods should be clearly stated.

Results and Discussion Should be combined and supported by tables or figures wherever necessary. Use only ISO metric units of weights and measures.

Figures Figures and photographs should be of good quality with glossy prints with their place in the text.

Tables Should be typed on separate sheets. They should be numbered in Arabic numerals with title of the table and the place should be indicated in the text.

References Should be arranged alphabetically according to author's names and should be placed under the heading “REFERENCES” at the end of the manuscript. Each reference should contain the surname of the author with initials, year, and title of paper, title of journal, volume, No. and issue and page numbers.

Few examples for citation of references are given below:

Research articles

Sheeba J R. 2011. Emamectin Benzoate 5 SG and 1.9 EC - A Safe Insecticide to Spiders of Bhendi Ecosystem. Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2(3): 474-478.

Pavithravani B V, Rame Gowda, Pramila C K, Aparna K, Vinodhini and Shashidhar H E. 2011. Efficiency of DNA Markers in Revealing Varietal Differences in Rice (Oryza sativa) Cultivated under Aerobic Conditions. Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2(3): 450-454.


Wani Y N. 2009. Quality and safety assurance for enhancing agricultural income. In: Proceedings of Ninth Science Congress on Technological and Institutional Innovations for Enhancing Agricultural Income.

Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Shalimar Srinagar, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi. pp 67-70.


Tabasum A and Afshan G. 2011. Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables. 3G Publishers, Awantipora Kashmir. pp 56.

Book chapter

Yadav H S and Meena G. 2007. Irrigation management in wheat. In: Wheat Breeding and Management. (Eds) Singh P S, Ketty R R and Agnihotri M. pp 121-139, CABI, Wallingford, UK.


Rather S A. 2007. Effect of integrated nutrient management in rice-wheat cropping system. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Soil Science, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Shalimar Srinagar, India. pp 110.

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