Indian Cow (The): The Scientific and Economic Journal
Year 2013, Volume-9, Issue-35 (January–March)
Print ISSN : 0972-9585
Online ISSN : 0973-9696 Table of contents Editorial Cow dung-source of clean and sustainable energy Prof. S.K. Sharma Cow in the news Ashok D.B. Vaidya ÖæÚÌ ×ð´ »õ ¥æÏæçÚÌ Áñçß·¤ ¹ðÌè ·Ô¤ çß·¤æâ ãðÌéÑ ·Ô¤¿é¥æ Áñçß·¤ ¹æÎ ©ˆÂæÎÙ ·¤æ çâmæ´Ì, ßñ™ææçÙ·¤ ÌÚè·¤æ °ß´ ©ÂØôç»Ìæ Çæò® Ú‡æßèÚ çâ´ã Cow soll relation & environment cycles Shri Subodh Kumar More cows, less poverty Dr R.S. Khanna Moringa as natural galactogogue and alternative fodder for dairy cow Dr. G. Vinodkumar Preblotics: A safe feed additive of animals Sudipta Ghosh, B. Roy Common grasses and grass production technologies Shri Suboodh Kumar Organic farming initiatives in Rajasthan Arun K. Sharma Role of panchgavya in production and protection of vegetable-crops Sanjay Chadha, Rameshwar, Ashlesha, JP Saini, YS Paul ¥æØéßðüÎ ×ð´ ßç‡æüÌ »ô-ÎêÏ-ƒæè-×v¹Ù-çß™ææÙ Çæò® Õâ‹Ì ·¤é×æÚ Top |