Global Economic Recession and Library Development in Information Age: A Case of University Libraries in Nigeria Obaseki Tony I.1, Eseohe Ebunlunwele Grace2 1Osiwa Library Internet Center, Ambrose Alli University, Nigeria 2Collection Development Division, Ambrose Alli University, Nigeria Abstract This is a recent empirical view of effect of economic recession in libraries in Nigeria. Survey research was adopted for the study. All eight (8) governments owned universities in the south-south geographical zone were the population for the study. A representative sample of four (4) universities was chosen for the study using random sampling technique. Questionnaire constructed using the five (5) point likert scale was used for data collection and 74 number librarians from the sampled institution made up the respondents group. Descriptive statistics of frequency counts and percentages was used for data analysis. Findings revealed that response rate was fair as only 48(64.86%) of the collection tool sent out was returned and useful. Data analyzed however confirmed that economic recession affects the growth and development of Nigerian university libraries and (35.41%) were of the opinion that present state of libraries in Nigeria undermines the caliber of Nigerian university graduates etc.However, the survey revealed that solutions such as commercializing library services, increase in government spending on education etc, will be a way forward for libraries. Top Keywords Global Economic Recession and Library Development, University Libraries. Top | |
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