Academic Librarians Perception of Monetary and Non-Monetary Motivators on their Productivities Oyesiku F. A., Amusa O. I. The University Library, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Lwye, Nigeria Abstract Personnel in organizations, academic library inclusive are better motivated through prompt payment of remunerations, promotions and commendations, good working environment, personnel safety, and job security. These motivators can be categorized into monetary and non-monetary. This study employed survey method to investigate the influence of monetary and non-monetary motivators on the productivity of academic librarians. 300 copies of the questionnaire designed for this study were administered on the sample population of 300 academic librarians. The study concludes that monetary and non-monetary motivators play important roles in motivating academic librarians, they however prefer monetary motivators to the non-monetary ones; and that academic librarians’ gender, employment status, and age influence their preference for monetary motivators. Management of academic libraries for their personnel; repackaging of non-monetary motivators that are preferred by academic librarians, in a way that will make them attractive and proactive personnel development. Top Keywords Academic Librarian, Perception, Monetary and Non-Monetary Motivators. Top | |
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