Attitude towards the internet of students of higher education Agarwal Anshul TGT, Narayana E - Techno School, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India Online published on 5 June, 2024. Abstract Higher education in universities is the most imperative mechanism for development and change. There has been a paradigm shift in higher education from limited ‘teacher centered’ education to unlimited ‘learner-centered’ knowledge. ICT is frequently used in education for the following reasons: a laptop for each kid with characteristics including reduced power usage, an inexpensive operating system, and special mesh network and reprogramming features; less priced laptops have been created for usage in schools on an individual basis. In this paper, we will discuss about the Internet’s problems to us every second and how much impacted by artificial intelligence, which is the cause of that. Top Keywords Attitude, Internet, Education. Top | |
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