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Gyanodaya: The Journal of Progressive Education
Year : 2008, Volume : 1, Issue : 1
First page : ( 60) Last page : ( 64)
Print ISSN : 0974-1801.

Role of teacher educator's towards a learning society

Agarwal Nidhi, Lecturer

Integrated School of Education, Ghaziabad, UP, India.


The present paper explains the role of teacher educations in a learning society. It describes that teachers who are being educated today will have to develop major part of their life to education during 21st century. If the present state of explosion of knowledge continues, in a few years, teachers will find themselves in a world where their present knowledge and teaching skills, to an extent would become obsolete they will have to face the challenges of information technology and use them meaningfully. So present paper explains how the teacher educators prepare our teachers to face the challenge & to cope up with the challenging scenario.


Key words

Learning Society, Teacher Educator, Profession.


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