Importance of English in Knowledge Society: An Overview Daudi M Asif Rameez1, Lecturer, Yahya Raghib2, Library Assistant 1Jubail Industrial College of Engineering and Technology, Jubail Industrial City, Royal Commission, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad, UP, India. Abstract Knowledge is totality of ideas, conserved through human civilization. It is vital for the growth and development of any society. The secret of the phenomenal success of western countries lies in the appropriate acquisition and utilization of knowledge. Knowledge society that is powerful and strong obtain its power when knowledge creation and generation is given due place in the developmental process of the society. The grass root level people must be made able to access the valuable knowledge and English is the most important tool to explore the existing knowledge as qualitative and quantitative knowledge available only in this language. Top Key words Knowledge, English NKC, Society. Top | |
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