GYANODAYA - The Journal of Progressive Education
Integrated School Of Education
Print ISSN: 0974-1801
Online ISSN: 2229-4422
Number of issues per year: 2
Print frequency: Half-Yearly
Month(s) of publication: June and December
Description: ‘Gyanodaya: The Journal Of Progressive Education’ –another endeavor from the outfit of Inmantec, is a new entrant to the existing highly enriched reservoir of wisdom. In spite of the fact the journal strives to occupy a space among the most respected research publications in its area across the globe. The editorial team is dedicated to the purpose and has set an even higher benchmark for the journal. Inmantec has already yielded enormous acclamation through its other publications over the years. This experience has helped it create a community of shared ideas and perspectives comprising of students, researchers, academicians and industry professionals from around the world. The objective of this publication is to provide a common forum for researchers to exchange research findings, share experiences and promote good practices in higher education as a whole. The journal also intends to exert its efforts in capacity building for the future of learning and teaching among the new researchers across the broadest range of research activities internationally. We will also offer spaces for more critical thinking and reflection grounded in rigorous scholarship as to ways in which higher education might go on being further reshaped in the future. Contemplating the newer needs of the future and having potential for wider coverage of articles and research papers from the researchers ‘Gyanodaya’ will look forward to blessings from stalwarts of the academic. Wishing brighter prospects ahead to the publication as well as its contributors. Indexed and Abstracted with: Indian Citation Index, MIAR(ICDS - 3.0), Google Scholar, CNKI Scholar, EBSCO Discovery, Summon(ProQuest), Primo and Primo Central, I2OR, ESJI, DRJI and ISRA-JIF.
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