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Guidelines for Contributors

Submission of a manuscript for GYANODYA: The Journal of Progressive Education should be the original work of the author(s). Author(s) is/are required transferring the copyright of the manuscript to the Publisher for publishing in the journal. The publisher holds copyright of the manuscript unless otherwise not communicated. It further implies that the manuscript submitted has neither published anywhere nor been kept under consideration for publication.

Provide the list of references at the end of the paper in sequence as per the guidelines and the examples suggested. The reference guidelines for the author(s) are provided below.

1. Books Surname followed by initials. Title of the book in bold italics. Place of publication: Name of the publisher, Year. pp. (referred pages).

2. For a paper/chapter in a book (multi-authored)

Surname followed by Initials. Title of the paper/chapter in bold. In Title of the book in italics, pp. 45–50, edited by X and Y. Place of publication: Name of publisher, Year. (Number of Pages of the book) p.

3. Journals/Magazines/Newsletters
Surname followed by Initials, Surname followed by Initials, and Surname followed by Initials. Title of the paper in bold. Title of the journal/magazine/newsletter in italics, Year, Vol. No (issue no.), pp. 45–55.

4. Reports
Surname followed by Initials/organization. Title of the report in bold (only the first letter in caps). Place of publication: Name of the organization/publisher, Year. pp. (Referred page numbers).

5. Web site
Author/organization. Name of the article in bold. Available at Web site URL (Accessed on dd/mm/yyyy).

6. Paper in published proceedings
Surname followed by Initials. Title of the paper in bold. In Title of the published proceedings in italics. Name of the conference/workshop, city, country, date, organized by name (s) of organizer(s), edited by X, Y, and Z. Place: Publisher, Year. p.(number of pages of the paper).

Some examples of the bibliographic reference as per the guidelines are as below:

1.    Sharma, R.A. Management Teaching Activities: Classroom management. Meerut, R. Lall Books Deport, 2003. p. 15–20.

2.    Nair, R. Raman. Role of libraries in ensuring information literacy and right to information. University News, 2008. 46 (12), pp 1–12.

3.    NCERT. Annual report 2006–2007. New Delhi: National Council of Education Research and Training/NCERT, 2006–2007. pp 44–46.

4.    Sugata Mitra, Ritu Dangwal. Effects of remoteness on the quality of education: A case study from North Indian schools, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 2008. 24 (2).

5.    Available at, http://www.ascilite.org.au/ajet/ajet24/mitra.html (Accessed on 15/04/2008).

6.    Prem Chand [et. al.]. Access to scholarly literature in higher education institutions under INFLIBNET Consortium. In Information and Knowledge Management in Networked World. Proceedings of the International CALIBER 2007, Panjab University, Chandigarh, 8th – 10th February 2007. Ahmedabad: INFLIBNET Centre, 2007. pp. 570–588.

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