Inequality in educational attainment among the social groups of Manipur Singh N. Bobby Assistant Professor, Department of Geography & Resource Management, Mizoram University, Aizawl Online published on 30 June, 2017. Abstract Inequalities in educational attainment among the social groups have been extensively studied from various perspectives in different field in numerous countries. This paper examines the regional differentials in educational attainment in Manipur by using composite index. The results implied that the earliest imprint of modern and traditional educational institutions in the valley areas and the regions around the area, once within the ambit of the missionary had achieved a high score index than the other region in the state. On the contrary, the study also attempts to figure out the inequality in educational attainment among the social groups by using Gini's coefficient. It turns out that certain social groups in the state have been privileged, whereas some of them are deprived of achieving the education. Top | |
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