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Guide to the Contributors

Geographic welcomes contributors from scholars of various branches of geography and allied disciplines, which have interface with geography. However, author(s) must be a life member of Geography Association of Mizoram. Papers sent for publication in the journal must have originality in one form or the other. If the paper sent for publication is recommended by the referee(s), the author(s) have to pay an amount of Rs. 2000/- as publication charge. Which should be credited to United Bank of India, Mizoram University Branch, Aizawl in the name of the Secretary, Geography Association by Account No. 1548050000727. The counterfoil then be sent to the Editor.

Publication Ethics: Geographic journal adheres to the publication ethics for editors, authors and reviewers as defined by COPE - Committee on Publication Ethics, in their Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (Committee on Publication Ethics, 2011) and Elseviers' Publishing Ethics Resource Kit (PERK) as a baseline for handling publishing ethics issues.

Submission of Manuscript: Author(s) should submit hard or soft copy of his/her paper with original artwork and abstract to the Editor - Prof. Rintluanga Pachuau, Department of Geography & RM., Mizoram University, Post Box 190, Aizawl - 796004, Mizoram or email at rtpatch@yahoo.co.in.

Typing: The Manuscript should be typed doubled spaced throughout on one side only of a quarter size(A4) paper. The papers should be numbered consecutively. If possible, the manuscript should be divided into appropriately headed section and sub-sections. The length of the paper should not exceed 3,000 words.

Title Page: The title page of the papers should contain the full title, name(s) of the author(s) and their full address.

Abstract: The paper should contain abstract of 50 - 150 words which should be kept in the opening of the paper.

Illustration: Illustration should be properly kept at appropriate places in the manu- script in their final forms. They should be numbered in order in which they are re- ferred to in the text. Scale of the maps (if any) should be drawn by graphical scale. The margin of the map should be ideally be 15x12 centimetres.

Tables: Tables should be numbered and headed with short titles. Consecutive num- bers in brackets should indicate them in the text. They should also be properly kept at appropriate places in their final forms.

Reference: Reference should be indicated in the text in brackets by last name, i.e. author's last name and year of publication within the bracket, printing title of the book, journal etc. in italics, title of the paper within inverted commas in normal fonts. Only sources directly referred should be given at the end, not by bibliography. Details of references should be listed at the end of the text in alphabetic order, using the following styles :

For books :

Worcester, Philip G., (1961): A Textbook of Geomorphology., second edition, Van Nostrad Reinhold Company.,New York.,p.178.

For articles :

Kumar, Girindra (2007): "Process of Urbanization in Developing Regions : A Case Study" Geographic., Jl. of GAM., Vol 2, July 2007., Dept. of Geography & RM, Mizoram University., pp 4-10.

The Editorial Board has the whole right to accept or reject the papers for publica- tion as per the recommendation of the referees.

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