Email id

Editorial Board


Dr. Benjamin L. Saitluanga,
Department of Geography & RM,
Mizoram University, India.
Email – bena.sailo@gmail.com

Associate Editors

Prof. Rintluanga Pachuau,
Department of Geography & RM,
Mizoram University, India.
Email - rtpatch@yahoo.co.in

Prof. V.P. Sati,
Department of Geography & RM,
Mizoram University, India.
Email - vpsati@mzu.edu.in

Prof. Anup Saikia,
Department of Geography,
Guwahati University, India.
Email – saikia@gauhati.ac.in

Dr. Dean Current,
Center for Integrated Natural Resource and Agricultural Management (CINRAM),
University of Minnesota, USA.
Email - curre002@umn.edu

Managing Editors

Dr. R. Zonunsanga,
Centre for Disaster Management,
Mizoram University, India.
Email – ascassdir@gmail.com

Dr. Udai B Singh,
Mississippi Watershed Management Organization,
Email- usingh@mwmo.org

Section Editors

Prof. Ch. UB Rao,
Department of Geography & RM,
Mizoram University, India.
Email - chegondiu@yahoo.co.in

Dr. Brototi Biswas,
Department of Geography & RM,
Mizoram University, India.
Email - brototibiswas@yahoo.co.in

Dr. N. Bobby Singh,
Dept. of Geography & RM,
Mizoram University.
Email - bobbynao7@gmail.com

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