Author Guidelines
Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding (EJPB) is published quarterly as ONLINE by the Indian Society of Plant Breeders (ISPB). The article will be published in the official web page
Papers submitted will be PEER REVIEWED. On the basis of referee's comments, author(s) will be asked by the editor to revise the paper / answer the queries. In addition to members of the society, any other person also can publish the article. Papers are accepted on the understanding that the work described is original and has not been published elsewhere and that the authors have obtained necessary authorization for publication of the material submitted.
Subject Matter: Articles on all aspects of plant breeding will be accepted.
Manuscript: It should be in clear concise English, typewritten in double space on one side of A4 size white paper with at least 2.5 cm margin. Full research paper should not exceed 15 typed pages including tables and figures and should contain abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, acknowledgment and reference. Short notes, not exceeding 6 typed pages, may also be divided into different sections with a short abstract. Review articles, as far as possible, should not exceed 20 typed pages. It should feature recent developments from the author's own field of specialization and include results of various workers in the given field. MSWord file is preferred. Submitted papers will be acknowledged. EJPB reserves the right to accept/reject and modify the articles into research article/ research note. ALL ARTICLES SHOULD BE SUBMITTED THROUGH EMAIL ONLY (
Title page: The title should be crisp and clearly indicates the contents of the article. This should be followed by name(s) of the author(s), affiliation, and mailing address including e-mail of the corresponding author.
Abstract: A brief informative abstract should follow on the second page of the manuscript. It should clearly bring out the scope of the work and its salient features. It should be single paragraph of not more than 150 words.
Key words: The abstract should be followed by the important words (note more than five keywords) of the article, which can be included in various indexes.
Introduction: It should be brief, crisp and introduce the work in clear terms. Key references related to the work must be cited.
Materials and Methods: Standard and already reported method must be clearly given or cited. Any modification of the original method must be duly highlighted. This section may be subtitled for clarity. Use standard abbreviations of the various units. ISI units should be used for measurements.
Results and Discussion: This section can also be subtitled for clarity. Results and discussion should be combined. Salient results must be highlighted and discussed with related works. A brief conclusion of the research finding and future line of work may be given at the end.
Figures and Structures: Structure drawings, graphs and diagrams should be given in JPEG format separately and also placed in the text preferably through MS Word. Figures/structures must be numbered with figure numbers like Fig.1, Fig 2., and their approximate position in the text indicated. It is author's responsibility to provide suitable figures and drawings.
Tables: Tables should be typed on separate sheets and numbered consecutively within the text in Arabic numbers. They should bear a descriptive short heading in lower case, which starts with the word "Table". Their place in the text should be indicated.
Reference: Relevant references shall be quoted under each section and must be cited in full in the reference section. References to unpublished work and abstract citation may be avoided. The following style should be followed:
Kempthorne, O. 1957. An introduction to Genetic Statistics, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
Raghavaiah, P. and Joshi, M.G. 1986. Combining ability studies in Emmer Wheat. Indian J. Genet., 56 : 476 - 483.
Vindhiyavarman, P. 2000. Combining ability estimates in groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.). Madras Agric. J., 87 : 462 - 466.
Veeraragavathatham, D. 2002. Hybrids in vegetable crops: Potentials and problems. In: New Dimensions and Approaches for Sustainable Agriculture, S. Kannaiyan, S. Uthamasamy, Ravi Kumar Theodare and S. Palaniswamy (Eds.), Directorate of Extension Education, Tamil Nadu Agric. Univ., Coimbatore, India, p. 1-14.
Submission of a manuscript implies the following:
the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of thesis)
this manuscript is not under consideration for publication elsewhere;
when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree to automatic transfer of the copyright to the Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding and Indian Society of Plant Breeders.
Processing fee: EJPB is an open access journal and to manage the various costs associated with the Journal management, for all papers there is a manuscript handling processing fee.
Attention to the authors!
The policy on processing fee for the articles has been revised with effect from 20th July 2012.
The processing fee per article has been fixed as follows:
INR 300 for non members of Indian Society of Plant Breeders
INR 150 for Life members of Indian Society of Plant Breeders
USD 10 for Foreign authors
The processing fee has to be paid through online transfer by NEFT to "Indian Society of Plant Breeders" while sending the article. Any other mode of payment is NOT accepted.
Account name: Indian Society of Plant Breeders
Name of the Bank: Union Bank of India
Branch: R.S. Puram, Coimbatore- 641002
IFSC of Bank: UBIN0550264
Account No: 5026 0201 0008 545
Payment of processing fee is MUST for registration of article. After the receipt of the processing fee only, the article will be processed. Once paid processing fee will not be returned to author even in case of rejection of article. Hence the authors need to ascertain themselves on the suitability of articles.
After transfer of money, the information (like account holders name, name of bank and branch, article title, etc) may please be informed through email. The receipt of the fees will be acknowledged through email.
This fee is independent of the length of the manuscript and of the number of figures and tables. Hence there is no page charges.
Manuscripts and communication: Manuscripts and all communications should be submitted through email only.
Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding,
Indian Society of Plant Breeders,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Coimbatore-641 003,
Tamil Nadu, India
Web site: