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Delta National Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research
Year : 2023, Volume : 10, Issue : spl
First page : ( 209) Last page : ( 213)
Print ISSN : 2279-0705.

Changing patterns of tribal movements and culture in the post-independence era

Kaware Santosh A.*

Assistant Professor (Head, Dept. of Sociology), Dr. Khatri Mahavidyalaya, Tukum, Chandrapur, (M.S.)

*E-Mail: kaware12sa@gmail.com

Online published on 23 March, 2023.


Considering the Indian society according to census of 2011, 8.6% of total population belong to tribal society. Though tribal society lives in forest, valleys, far away from developed society, still there have been the existence of various social movements like Bodo Movement, Santhal Movement, Devi Movement, reforming Bhagat Movement since the British period. It was thought that after India’s independence the more attention would be paid for the advancement of the tribal society but in reality that could not happen so the tribal society formed the various social movements to develop themselves.

While tribal society was formulating various social movement to solve their various problems, they came in contact with modern developed societies. Due to the contact with Christian missionaries before and after the independence, the tribal societies have gone through various changes in their lifestyle. Christian missionaries propagated and spread their religion among the tribal societies and caused the religious conversion at large scale. To stop this religious conversion,there was emergence of Bhagat Movement. The government had to consider the issues of tribal society because of various tribal movements emerging after the India’s independence. Obviously, it was believed that the development of the tribal society would lead to the overall development of the country. So on 22nd April 1983 a separate Tribal Development Department was formed and through this department various schemes were implemented for the upliftment of tribal society. The society which was far away from developed society and lived in aloofness, came in contact with the developed society through works of various movements, welfare schemes, means of communication, social reformers, NGOs and developed their contact with advanced society. And due to this transformation, their original tribal culture started changing. Today there is a great deal of intermingling between tribal culture, especially Hindu culture.



Movement, Culture, Tribal, Religious conversion, Tribal Lifestyle, Post- Independence, Social Reformer.


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