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Delta National Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research
Year : 2023, Volume : 10, Issue : spl
First page : ( 202) Last page : ( 208)
Print ISSN : 2279-0705.

Economic movement of dalits: An analysis

Dr. Dahat Mangala*

Associate Professor, Head of Department of Marathi, Santaji College, Nagpur


Online published on 23 March, 2023.


Since 1990 the entire social system has been changing. This change is occurring not only in Indian, Dalit society but also on global level. Economic freedom, market value and subjectivity have come to be considered very important in the test of globalization. State, social welfare, social welfare programs, socialism and human values are beginning to collapse rapidly. In such an environment, wealth seems to have become more important than employment. Along with the economic prosperity based on production growth, inequality in the understanding of the proletariat is also creating a surge in social life.



Dr. Ambedkar, Dalits, Social Life, Rich Wealth, Land Reforms, Population, Capital, Nationalization of Land, Constitution.


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