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Delta National Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research
Year : 2023, Volume : 10, Issue : spl
First page : ( 156) Last page : ( 158)
Print ISSN : 2279-0705.

Participation of rural and urban voters in elections in independent India (With special reference to Brahmpuri assembly)

Bhaisare Dnyandeep M.1,*, Dr. Nandeshwar L. H.2

1Research Scholar, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Research Centre, Bramhapuri, Teh- Bramhapuri, Dist- Chandrapur

2Research Supervisor, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Research Centre, Bramhapuri, Teh- Bramhapuri, Dist- Chandrapur

*Email ID- dnyandeep26@gmail.com

Online published on 23 March, 2023.


The modern nation-state system is enormous in terms of geographic size and population. Nations that have adopted a democratic system of government have adopted representative democracy. If representative democracy, in its true sense, is to be rooted in India, then it is necessary that elections should be held regularly in a clean environment. Because it is through this election that the representatives come to power. In a democratic state system, the change of power through elections is considered as politics. With such elections, there is a change of power without any bloodshed. According to Articles 325 and 327 of the Constitution, every adult who has completed 18 years of age, have got the right to vote. But if we consider the participation of voters in elections, it is found that voters are somewhat indifferent towards participation in elections. Some voters respond spontaneously to elections while others avoid participating in elections. Some voters fall prey to allurements offered by various parties during the election period. So we do not find that there is complete cent percent voting and despite the existence of democratic governance system in India, we do not see proper political changes through elections. And that's why an attempt has been made to present ideas on how to ensure maximum participation of voters in rural and urban areas in the elections and how to vote more and more.



Voter, Election, Rural, Urban, Citizen, Political party, Constitution, Democratic system.


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