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Delta National Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research
Year : 2023, Volume : 10, Issue : spl
First page : ( 124) Last page : ( 131)
Print ISSN : 2279-0705.

Indian english drama: A study of post-independence perspective

Shende Yogeshkumar T.1, Dr. Wagh Maroti R2

1Assistant Professor & Head, Dept of Humanities, Manoharbhai Patel Institute of Engineering & Technology, Bhandara, (MS), Email: yogishende@yahoo.com

2Assistant Professor, Dept of English, Taywade College, Koradi, Nagpur, (MS), Email: mrwagh72@gmail.com

Online published on 23 March, 2023.


This paper tries to peep in the journey of Indian English Drama after Independence particularly. The second phase of its development begins in the first quarter of the 19th century. India acclaimed its freedom in1947 and the impact of Gandhian philosophy and freedom struggle reflects in the playwrights’ outputs. They tried to convey their concerns for the downtrodden of the society by executing Indian myths, legends and history. Though, drama became a source of social awareness.The Post-Independence period of Indian drama means the dramatic outputs after independence that starts from 1948. Most of the plays were penned in English after independence. And mostly they are the actual representations of the post independent Indian predicaments. The exhibition of Indian English drama is an amalgamation of hope and despair of Indian psyche. The prosperity of playwrights of the post-independence era results due to their contemporary experiences. The playwrights treated different native social evils like child marriage, sati and dowry system etc. Undoubtedly, the profound impact of western dramatists on Indian playwrights is noticeable. The various and complicated problems of modern man have been dramatized very cleverly. Religious aspects are replaced with secular themes by Indian playwrights gradually.



Indian English drama, Post-independence, History, Myth, Theatre, Ancient themes, Patriotism, Modern Indian English drama.


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