Traumatic experiences in train to Pakistan by Khushwant Singh Miss. Bano Asma* Santaji Mahavidyalaya, Wardha Road, Nagpur *E-mail: asmabano197@gmail.com
Online published on 23 March, 2023. Abstract On August 15, 1947, India declared its independence from the British rule; this joyous moment however, was overshadowed by the horrific partition tragedy. This tragic incident has earned the reputation of being among the most agonising occasions in the recorded history of India. Many Indian as well as Pakistani writers depict this tragic event in their writing through different perspectives; Khushwant Singh is one among them. He experienced the pain of partition first-hand. His unpleasant encounter with the partition inspired him to write the novel Train to Pakistan, which depicts the terrifying partition events in all its gruesome elements. This research paper intends to unveil the traumatic experiences of different characters and its impact on their psyches. It also attempts to show the sudden transformation of human minds and hearts due to partition, from kindness and love to hatred. Top Keywords Trauma, Partition, Massacre, Communal violence, Refugee, Agony. Top | |
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