Agricultural revolutions which moved india from food deficit to food surplus since independence Dr. Ramachandra Sudha1, Mrs. Vidya Banait2 1Asst. Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Santaji Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, E-Mail: sudha_ramachandra@yahoo.com 2Department of Computer Science, Santaji Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur, E-Mail: agarkarneha@gmail.com Online published on 23 March, 2023. Abstract In the year 1947 when India gained independence, agricultural production which was mainly rain fed and subsistence based was extremely poor as they used animate sources of farm power and traditional tools and techniques. Now after 75 years of independence, India is one of the largest Agri producers globally which finds its place in the top five countries. India now is not only self-sufficient in food but also an exporter of Agri commodities. Country which had food scarcity till 1950 transformed itself into food shortage by 1960, food sufficiency by 2000, food secured by 2010 and food surplus since 2010. A blend of science, technology, extension and policy which resulted in various agricultural revolutions has contributed in this journey of transforming the country from food scarce to food surplus nation. Top | |
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