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Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy
Year 2015, Volume-9, Issue-4 (October)
Print ISSN : 0973-8916
Online ISSN : 2230-7303

Table of contents

Research Papers

Selection of Salt Tolerant Cowpea Genotypes Based on Salt Tolerant Indices of Morpho-biochemical Traits
M. L. Mini, M. Sathya, K. Arulvadivookarasi, K. S. Jayachandran, M. Anusuyadevi

Optimization of real time PCR for checking the activity of siRNA in Dengue Serotypes
Anil Babu Korrapati, Mervin Noronha, Muvva Vijayalakshmi

Amalakirasayana feeding declines the DNA Damage in wistar rat Cerebellum, Liver and Testis, through age
Kiran Kumar Sindhu, Umakanta Swain, Uma Addepally

Role of Phytohormones during Salt Stress Tolerance in Plants
I Sampath Kumar, S Ramgopal Rao, BV Vardhini

Syphilis Diagnosis Using an Advance Concept for Non-Treponemal Test Development
Mayur R. Shukla, Himanshu C. Mody

Production and Purification of Alkaline Fibrinolytic Enzyme from Bacillus cereus GD55 under Solid State Fermentation and Screening for Industrial Applications
E. Venkatanagaraju, G. Divakar

Antibacterial activity of Emblica officinalis (Gaertn.) Fruits and Vitex negundo (L.) Leaves
Darshan Dharajiya, Payal Patel, Nupur Moitra

Evaluation of Phytoconstituents, Nutrient Composition and Antioxidant properties in Moringa oleifera-BhagyaKDM 01 variety
S. Raghavendra, E. Rajashekara, M.S. Nagaraj, C.K. Ramesh, M Paramesha, S.J. Aditya Rao

Biochemical Studies During Sequential stages of Root and Shoot Differentiation in Callus cultures of Cardiospermum halicacabum L.
Ashwani Kumar, S.C. Goyal, Pooja, Charu Lata, Jagdish Parshad

Review Papers

Biochemical and environmental insights of declining vulture population in some Asian countries
Biswaranjan Paital, Sachidananda Das, Sushil Kumar Dutta

Nitric Oxide (NO) and Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S): Molecular Targets for Vascular Muscle Relaxation
A. S. Sherikar, M. S. Bhatia, R. P. Dhavale, N. M. Bhatia, P. B. Choudhari


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