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Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy
Year : 2015, Volume : 9, Issue : 3
First page : ( 259) Last page : ( 265)
Print ISSN : 0973-8916. Online ISSN : 2230-7303.

Bio-ethanol Production from Lignocellulosic Banana Waste Using Co-Culture Techniques

Meena Rakesh Kumar*, Sahu Rajni, Shukla Prashant, Thakur Sanket

Aditya Biotech Lab & Research Pvt Ltd., Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India

*For Correspondence-dbt.rakesh@gmail.com

Online published on 16 December, 2015.


Ethanol is the next energy molecule and its production from various biomasses is becoming the need of the hour. Plant based biomass is sustainable and available in large quantities for ethanol production. However, separation of cellulose from lignin is important for the production of ethanol. Banana pseudostem is one such source available in large quantities as cellulosic biomass. In this experiment, we have isolated three different strains of yeast which were found to be better for ethanol production. This study investigates the influence of biological pre-treatment method on sugar conversion and ethanol production from banana wastes rich in lignocelluloses that are thrown away. The two different cellulose degrading bacteria (A2 and A3) were used as biological pre-treatment for 24h, 48h and 72h. The three wastes i.e. banana peel (BP), banana dry pseudostem (DS) and banana wet pseudostem (WS), were taken and fermented with activated S. cerevisiae separately and taken in separate YPDA (yeast, peptone, dextrose, agar) slants as an adapted organism and labelled as S. cerevisiae (D), S. cerevisiae (P) and S. cerevisiae (W). It was found that the A2 strain efficiently degraded the banana wastes in to its monomer in 72h. The total yield of ethanol was estimated by titration method. Among the three adapted organism, S. cerevisiae (D) was found as a good strain for ethanol production. The maximum yield by using dry pseudostem was 0.288 g/g of waste, while by using BP and WS produced 0.19 g/g and 0.2 g/g ethanol respectively.



Pseudostem, Cellulose, Co-culture, Biological pre-treatment, S. cerevisiae, cellulose degrading bacteria, ethanol, lignocellulose.


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