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Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy
Year 2012, Volume-6, issue-2 (April)
Print ISSN : 0973-8916
Online ISSN : 2230-7303

Table of contents

Review papers

Personalized Medicine for Cancer in the Developing World
Rebecca E. Smith, Juan Miguel Pascale

Advances in Production and Characteristic Features of Microbial Tannases: An Overview
Dinesh Prasad, R.K. Gupta, G. Mathangi, N.R. Kamini, M.K. Gowthaman

Research papers

Delivery Strategies to Improve In Vivo Stability of Immunogenic Peptide PADRE
Srinivas Poondru, Vivek Purohit, Poonam Saraf, Bhaskara Jasti

Analysis of Population Structure of Magnaporthe grisea Using Genome Specific Microsatellite Markers
K. Madhan Mohan, M. Sheshu Madhav, M. Srinivas Prasad, S. J. S. Rama Devi, G. Ram Kumar, B. C. Viraktamath

High Biomass Sorghum as a Potential Raw Material for Biohydrogen Production: A Preliminary Evaluation
D. Nagaiah, P. Srinivasa Rao, R. S. Prakasham, A. Uma, K. Radhika, Yoganand Barve, A. V. Umakanth

Optimization of Xylanase Secretion from Paenibacillus macquariensis
Meeta Sharma, Anil Kumar

Simple, Rapid and Sensitive Method for Determination of Nitrofurantoin in Human Plasma by using Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Rajaram S. Patil, Chaitanya Krishna A., P.V.D.L.S. Ravi Prakash, Sangita R. Patil

First Evidence for Aluminum-maltol driven B to Z-DNA Conformational Transition in Poly d(GC). d(GC): Relevance to Alzheimer's Disease
M. Govindaraju, Monica F.S., Berrocal R., Sambasiva Rao K.R.S., K.S. Rao

Vital medicine Asparagus racemosus willd
Manorma Sharma, Archana Sharma, Ashwani Kumar

Cloning, Expression and Purification of Haemagglutinin and Neuraminidase gene of highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 in Escherichia coli
M. Subathra, P. Santhakumar, P. Pardhasaradhi, M. Lakshmi Narasu, Chandrani Chakravarty, Sunil K. Lal

Chemical Modification of Recombinant Human Interferon Beta-1a Using Linear and Branched mPEGs
Ahmad Abolhasani, Sameereh Hashemi-Najafabadi, Mahvash Khodabandeh Shahraki, Zohreh-Azita Sadigh

Enhanced Production of Glutathione from Saccharomyces Cerevisiae using Metabolic Precursor and Purification with New Approach
Parbatsingh Rajpurohit, Ashwini Tilay, Shrikant Survase, Uday Annapure


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