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Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy
Year 2012, Volume-6, Issue-1 (January)
Print ISSN : 0973-8916
Online ISSN : 2230–7303

Table of contents

Review papers

Probiotics: recent understandings and biomedical applications
Jamila K Adam, Bharti Odhav, K Suresh Babu Naidu

Food, health and agricultural importance of truffles: A review of current scientific literature
Seema Patel

Plagiarism in scientific research: needs lock-up to unlock the ethical publications
Chandrakantsing V. Pardeshi, Pravin V. Rajput, Kapil S. Chaudhary, Ganesh B. Patil

Research Papers

Development and validation of reversed phase HPLC method for analysis of immunotherapeutic peptide PADRE and its applications
Srinivas Poondru, Venugopal Marasanapalle, Poonam Saraf, Bhaskara Jasti

Successful transportation and in vitro expansion of human retinal pigment epithelium and its characterization; a step towards cell-based therapy for age related macular degeneration
Rajappa Senthilkumar, Sadananda Rao Manjunath, Subramani Baskar, Vidyasagar Devaprasad Dedeepiya, Sundaram Natarajan, Sudhakar John, Periyasamy Parikumar, Insaan Aditya, Yuichi Mori, Hiroshi Yoshioka, David W Green, Madasamy Balamurugan, Shigeo Tsukahara, Samuel JK Abraham

Proteolytic enzyme production by isolated Serratia sp RSPB11: Role of environmental parameters
P. Lakshmi Bhargavi, R. S. Prakasham

In vitro regeneration of Capsicum chinense Jacq.
K. Sanatombi, G. J. Sharma

Molecular characterization of antibiotic producing bacteria Pseudomonas sp. BP-1 from Nagavali river basin of Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh, India
B. Praveen, S.P.S. Bisht

RAPD based genetic diversity analysis within the genus Solanum (Solanaceae)
Srinath Rao, G. Shivaraj, C. Kaviraj, P. Surender Reddy, P.B. Kavi Kishor

Formulation and evaluation of fast disintegrating zolmitriptan sublingual tablets
Haarika Balusu, Prabhakar Reddy Veerareddy

Influence of cultural conditions for improved production of bioactive metabolites by Streptomyces cheonanensis VUK-A isolated from coringa mangrove ecosystem
Usha Kiranmayi Mangamuri, Sudhakar Poda, Krishna Naragani, Vijayalakshmi Muvva

Short Communication

Differential expression of ADH and ALDH2 can be a diagnostic marker in gastroesophageal cancer
L Srikanth, J Ramaiah, K Venkatesh, P Sriram, G Tejachandra, T Kannan, P.V.G.K. Sarma


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