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Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy
Year : 2012, Volume : 6, Issue : 1
First page : ( 99) Last page : ( 111)
Print ISSN : 0973-8916. Online ISSN : 2230–7303.

Influence of cultural conditions for improved production of bioactive metabolites by Streptomyces cheonanensis VUK-A isolated from coringa mangrove ecosystem

Mangamuri Usha Kiranmayi1, Poda Sudhakar2, Naragani Krishna1, Muvva Vijayalakshmi1,*

1Department of Botany and Microbiology, Guntur-522510, Andhra Pradesh, India

2Department of Biotechnology, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur-522510, Andhra Pradesh, India

* For Correspondence - profmvl@gmail.com

Online published on 24 January, 2012.


The influence of culture conditions and the effect of environmental factors on the growth and production of bioactive metabolites by Streptomyces cheonanensis VUK-A was the focus of this study. The strain exhibited broad spectrum antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive, Gram-negative, unicellular and multicellular fungi. The optimum pH and temperature for bioactive metabolite production were 7 and 30°C respectively. Production of bioactive metabolites by the strain was high in asparagine glucose broth as compared to other media tested. Studies on nutritional factors revealed that highest antimicrobial metabolite production was obtained when lactose and peptone at 1% and 0.25% were used as carbon and nitrogen sources respectively. Ninty six hours of incubation was found to be the optimum for bioactive metabolite production by the strain. As the strain exhibited potent antimicrobial activity, it may be explored for biotechnological purposes.



Optimization, Bioactive metabolites, Nutritional factors, Culture conditions, Environmental Parameters.


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