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Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy
Year : 2009, Volume : 3, Issue : 3
First page : ( 267) Last page : ( 277)
Print ISSN : 0973-8916. Online ISSN : 2230-7303.

Retrospective study of FMD serotypes and seasonal analysis of outbreaks using sero-typing strategy in Uttar Pradesh (India)

Tyagi Pankaj K.*, Pal Raghav, Shruti

Molecular Genetics Research Laboratory Department of Biotechnology, N.C. College of Engineering, Israna, Panipat-132107, Haryana, India

*For correspondence - pktgenetics@gmail.com


A laboratory evidence based study on FMD was conducted on the diagnosis of retrospective serotyping and seasonal analysis of outbreaks in cattle, sheep, pigs, goats and buffalo. The sample size was tongue epithelium, feet epithelium and blood serum (n= 40) and the samples were screened for the evidence of outbreak of FMD in Mathura, Pratapgarh, Jaunpur, Bhadoi and Etawa district of this study location. Seasonal analysis of the FMDV outbreaks revealed that out of total nineteen outbreaks, the highest 42.10% occurred in April followed by 26.30% in January and 15.80% in both December and March. The maximum numbers of outbreaks are observed in cattle followed by sheep and buffalo. For serotyping study of virus from five districts of Uttar Pradesh all the forty samples were processed using sandwich ELISA and LAB-ELISA techniques and the two-virus type, serotype A FMDV (84.61%) and serotypes O FMDV (15.39%) were recorded. However, serotype C and Asia-1 FMDV was not recorded from any of the outbreaks during the study year. Further we conducted a retrospective diagnosis study of antibody titre of more than 1.8 log10 against FMDV samples of serotype A were recorded 32 sera samples, 7 sera samples were found showing high titre against serotype O FMDV, 4 sera samples were found showing higher titre against FMDV type Asia-1. The present research work of FMDV outbreaks, April (beginning of summer season) and September (end of long rainy season), two times per, year can be suggested as the most suitable time for vaccination against FMD in the study area and imperative that findings of this work might be helpful in to validate the knowledge on diagnosis of FMD.



FMDV, serotyping, virus types O, A and asia-1, outbreaks, seasonal analysis and retrospective diagnostic studies.


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