Comparative UV-spectra of fermented cultural extract of antifungal-active Streptomyces isolates recovered from different ecological habitats Saadoun Ismail1, AL-Momani Fouad1, Ababneh Qotaiba1, Bonjar Shahidi2 1Dept. of Biological Sciences, Jordan Univ. of Science and Technology, Irbid-22110, Jordan 2Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agricultural Sciences, Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman-Iran * For Correspondence: isaadoun@just.edu.jo
Abstract UV-spectra of antifungal-active Streptomyces isolates were compared to previously reported spectra and analyzed under different extraction conditions. MU123 Streptomyces isolate from Turkey exhibited a UV spectrum similar to 237 isolate from Jordan with 2 maximum absorbance peaks at (226 and 260 nm) and at (220 and 260 nm), respectively. This spectrum was repeated by the C5P1–6 isolate from Jordan with 2 maximum absorbance peaks at 225250 and 300 nm. The aquatic species identified as S. violaceusniger showed 2 maximum absorbance peaks at 231 and 258 nm similar to the UV spectrum of a clinical isolate of actinomycetes (Streptomyces sp. 96.0333) that exhibited 2 absorbance peaks at 220–225 and 262 nm. When C1P2–6 isolate from Jordan was compared to Ir 102 from Iran under same cultural, extraction and UV analysis conditions, data revealed similar UV spectra with 2 absorbance peaks for both isolates at 200–225 and 275–300 nm. Approximately 50% of reported active screened isolates exhibit similar UV-spectra which might reflect their habitats, culture and UV analysis conditions. Comparison of UV-spectra and absorption peaks of known antibiotics to that of active Streptomyces isolates might explain the ability of the same Streptomyces sp. to produce several antibiotics. Top | |
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