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Information to Authors

The Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy is an official international journal of Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy. It is a peer reviewed quarterly journal dedicated to publish high quality original research articles in biotechnology and pharmacy. The journal will accept contributions from all areas of biotechnology and pharmacy including plant, animal, industrial, microbial, medical, pharmaceutical and analytical biotechnologies, immunology, proteomics, genomics, metabolomics, bioinformatics and different areas in pharmacy such as, pharmaceutics, pharmacology, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharma analysis and pharmacognosy. In addition to the original research papers, review articles in the above mentioned fields will also be considered.

Call for papers

The Association is inviting original research or review papers in any of the above mentioned research areas for publication in Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy. The manuscripts should be concise, typed in double space in a general format containing a title page with a short running title and the names and addresses of the authors for correspondence followed by Abstract (350 words), 3 to 5 key words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, References, followed by the tables, figures and graphs on separate sheets. For quoting references in the text one has to follow the numbering of references in parentheses and full references with appropriate numbers at the end of the text in the same order. References have to be cited in the format below.

Mahavadi, S., Rao, R.S.S.K. and Murthy, K.S. (2007). Cross-regulation of VAPC2 receptor internalization by m2 receptors via c-Src-mediated phosphorylation of GRK2. Regulatory Peptides, 139: 109-114.

Lehninger, A.L., Nelson, D.L. and Cox, M.M. (2004). Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, (4th edition), W.H. Freeman & Co., New York, USA, pp. 73-111.

Authors have to submit the figures, graphs and tables of the related research paper/article in Adobe Photoshop of the latest version for good illumination and allignment.

Authors can submit their papers and articles either to the editor or any of the editorial board members for onward transmission to the editorial office. Members of the editorial board are authorized to accept papers and can recommend for publication after the peer reviewing process. The email address of editorial board members are available in website www.abap.in. For submission of the articles directly, the authors are advised to submit by email to krssrao@abap.co.in or editor@abap.co.in

Authors are solely responsible for the data, presentation and conclusions made in their articles/ research papers. It is the responsibility of the advertisers for the statements made in the advertisements. No part of the journal can be reproduced without the permission of the editorial office.

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