CR Author Guidelines
The full-length research papers and review articles written in English are welcome for publication in the Crop Research (Print ISSN 0970-4884; Online ISSN 2454-1761) journal. The abbreviated title is ‘Crop Res’.
Aims and Scope
It is an international peer reviewed journal publishing original research on basic and applied aspects of agronomy, soils and crop sciences including agricultural water management, agro-climatology, agroforestry, crop production, crop protection, cropping systems, genetics & plant breeding, horticulture, plant biotechnology, plant nutrition, post-harvest management of crops, seed science, soil management & tillage, vegetables, weed science, agricultural engineering, environmental science, nano-technology, food science and technology, agri-business, agricultural economics, etc.
The full-length research papers should be typed in one column on A4 size page leaving 2.5 cm margins on all sides. The manuscripts should be typed in MS Word format using Times New Roman 12 pt. font with 1.5 space between lines. Normally, the research papers containing more than 10 typed pages excluding tables and figures are not considered for publication in this journal. The tables/figures should not cover more than 30% space of the text.
The full-length research papers submitted for publication should not contain data older than 3 years on the date of submission.
The review articles should be written on the basis of minimum 100 latest references which should be relevant to the topic.
The articles submitted for publication in ‘Crop Research’ journal should not be submitted elsewhere simultaneously for publication in another journal. The contents of papers should not carry any copyright material without prior permission of copyright holder.
The articles should present a complete picture of the investigation made and should not be split into parts.
Manuscripts Should be in English and Prepared on the Following Lines:
The articles should be divided into the sub-sections: TITLE, SHORT TITLE, AUTHORS (not more than 7), ADDRESS, ABSTRACT, KEY WORDS, INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, if any and REFERENCES. Tables and figures should be appended separately at the end of text on separate pages.
Title: Title should be brief, specific, informative and, scientific name(s) of crops or organisms studied should be written in italics/ underlined. It should be set in small and bold letters.
Short Title: A short title, not exceeding 60 characters should be given for running headlines.
Authors: Names of authors to be typed, in capitals unaccompanied by their degrees, titles etc.
Address: Address of the institution where the study was carried out be given below the name(s) of author(s). Present address and email of corresponding author should be given as footnote on the first page indicating by asterisk the author to whom the correspondence is to be addressed.
Abstract: Abstract need to be introduce in three parts (Background/Methods/Results). The Abstract should be informative and completely self-explanatory, briefly present the topic, state the scope of the experiments, indicate significant data, and point out major findings and conclusions. The Abstract should be in about 250 to 300 words. Standard nomenclature should be used, and abbreviations should be avoided. No literature should be cited.
Key Words: Following the abstract, key words not more than 6 that will provide indexing references should be listed and in alphabetical order.
Introduction: This should be brief, and the review of the literature should be pertinent to the theme of the paper. Extensive review and unnecessary detail of earlier work should be avoided. It should briefly describe the latest and current available information on the subject, duly supported by relevant and recent references. Do not use more than 10 years old references except landmark references in that field.
Materials and Methods: This section should contain the materials and methods used in the experiment. It should begin with details relating to place of study, period/season/year, climate or prevailing weather conditions, experimental materials used and other details as relevant to the study. Treatment details along with techniques and experimental design, replications, plot size etc. should be clearly indicated. Use of symbols for treatments should be fully explained at its’ first mention. This section should specify the methodology for application of experimental treatments. The specific observations recorded during the experiment should be described properly. Avoid detailed description of known methods of analysis. However, any new technique developed and followed should be described in detail. References for methods used in the study should be cited.
Statistical Analysis: All statistical comparisons among treatments may be made at P=0.05 level of probability. Correlation and regression analysis should be given in appropriate cases.
Results and Discussion: It should be combined to avoid repetition. The results should not be repeated in both tables and figures. Results should be reported under suitable sub-headings and discussed together to avoid duplication. Discussion should be strengthened by explaining treatment effects in terms of cause-and-effect relationship. Explain how the results relate to previous findings. When the results differ from previously available information, possible explanations should be given. Controversial issues should be discussed clearly and fairly. The relevant references should be suitably cited for discussion of the results.
Tables: Each table should be numbered consecutively in the same order as they are mentioned in text. Table number followed by the title should be written on the top of table. The title must describe the contents of the table fully and explain any symbol or abbreviation used in it as a footnote, using small letters viz. a, b, c and so on or asterisks. Tables should be self-explanatory but not very large (< 10 and 14 columns in portrait and land scape formats, respectively). The large sized tables should be split into two or more small tables. Use standard abbreviations of units of different parameters in tables. Vertical lines in tables should not be used to separate columns. Horizontal lines in tables should be used only where necessary.
Figures: Instead of tables, figures may be drawn where a large number of values/data are presented. The same data should not be presented in both tables and figures. Line drawings/photographs should contain figure number and description thereof as a footnote of figures. Originals of the figures should not be larger than twice the final size, of good quality. The figures should be sized to fit within the columns of the journal. Extremely small font and great variation in text sizes within figures should be avoided. Only standard abbreviations should be used. For pesticides names, the first letter should not be capitalized. The trade names should be capitalized. All weights and measurements must be in SI or metric units. Use kg/ha, or t/ha (if more than 999 kg/ha). Similarly, prefer use of g/ha, mg/kg, mg/l, mg/g, ml/l etc. rather than % or ppm. Do not follow the style kg ha-1 or t ha-1. Use % after numbers, not per-cent, e.g., 7%. In a series or range of measurements, mention the units only at end e.g., use 20, 60, 100 and 2000C; 30 or 40% more, instead of 20C, 60C, 100C and 200C; 30% or 40% more.
Statistical Analysis: Statistical analysis of data in the standard experimental design should be sound and complete in itself with both SEm+ and CD or LSD (P=0.05) values given for comparison of treatment means in tables and figures.
Conclusion: This section should clearly explain the summary of the results obtained and their impact in solution of the practical problems and contribution to scientific knowledge. Suggest areas for further investigation. The word ‘Conclusion’ should be typed as a separate heading. It should not be written in more than 8 sentences.
Acknowledgement: If necessary, the authors may place on record the help and cooperation or any financial help received from any source, person or organization for the study. This should be very brief.
References: The references cited in the text of a manuscript must appear at the end of the article under the heading ‘References’ and vice-versa. The spellings of author names and year of references in the text and references list should be carefully checked. The references in the list should include names of all authors, years (within brackets), full title of the article, name of the journal (abbreviated) in italics, volume number (in bold) and page range. No need to mention issue number along with volume number. For book or monograph, the name of the publisher should also be given as well as its volume, edition and relevant pages. The references cited together in the text should be arranged chronologically (e.g., Singh, 2008; Patil et al., 2014; Singh and Maiti, 2017; Nguyen and Tran, 2019). The list of references should be arranged alphabetically on author's names, and chronologically per author. Reference from standard scientific journals should be preferred, while those concerning unpublished data are generally to be avoided. A few examples for correct citation of references in the list are given below:
Research Papers:
2. Nguyen, H. L. and Tran, D. H. (2019). Performance of salt-tolerant rice cultivars under different soil salinity levels in Central Vietnam. Res. Crop. 20: 461-67.
3. Patil, A. S., Patel, H. K. and Chauhan, N. P. (2014). Yield, quality and monetary returns of summer pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) as influenced by integrated management and sowing methods. Crop Res. 47: 24-28.
4. Singh, V. P. and Maiti, R. K. (2017). Research trends in growth and productivity of pearl millet as influenced by biotic factors–A review. Farm. Manage. 2: 89-95.
5. De Greeff, R. D., Varanasi, A. V., Dille, J. A., Peterson, D. E. and Jugulam, M. (2018). Influence of plant growth stage and temperature on glyphosate efficacy in common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album). Weed Technol. 32: 448-53.
7. O'Brien, R. D. (2008). Fats and Oils: Formulating and Processing for Applications, 3rd edn. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. pp. 680.
Book Chapter:
9. Maiti, R. K., Singh, V. P., Sánchez Arreola, E., Wesche Ebeling, P. and Zavala Garcia, F. (2002). Potato Growth and Productivity. In: Advances in Potato Science (Eds. Maiti, R. K. and Singh, V. P.). Gaurav Society of ARIC, Hisar, India. pp. 109-47.
11. Singh, Ramanjeet (2008). Effect of nitrogen management through organic and inorganic sources in sole and intercropped Bt cotton-wheat system. Ph.D. Thesis, Division of Agronomy, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India. pp. 99 + xi.
Page/Line Number: Authors are requested to mention page number and line number to each line in the manuscript for easy and quick review. Text Alignment, line spacing, word count, figures, tables etc. must be as per format. Kindly go through sample paper for the reference. The sample copy of a paper can be downloaded from the following link: file:///C:/Users/Gaurav%20Society/Downloads/author-guidelines6089603e9087340b9bdcbbb1%20(15).pdf
The Journal Invites The Following Kinds of Submissions:
- Full-length articles not exceeding 3,000 words including references but excluding tables and figures.
- Review articles (not exceeding 6000 words).
Send one file only including Text, Tables and Figures. Total size of Word file must be less than 1 MB in size.
All the papers are peer reviewed. The responsibility for any statement in the article rests with the author(s). The corresponding author should send a certificate that the article or its data has not been sent/will not be sent elsewhere for publication. If a manuscript is returned to the authors for revision, it must be resubmitted within 20-25 days of its receipt. The article number allotted should invariably be referred in all correspondence.
All submissions should be sent through Online Submission Platform at website: or as email attachments (not as part of the email) at The email should also indicate the type of submission. For example, the subject line should read as: Research Article submission (Name of the Journal) or Review Article Submission (Name of the Journal).
Article Publication Charges (APC):
1. Crop Research: No processing charges. However, authors are required to pay APC for accepted papers @ Rs. 1000/- (Indian authors) and US $ 80/- (Other countries) per printed page of an article. Total APCs are calculated on the basis of number of printed pages in an article. Discount up to 20% in APC is allowed to needy Indian students. Authors from SAARC countries and other low-income countries as per World Bank list are eligible for 50% discount in APC.
Publishers of CROP RESEARCH journal takes no responsibility for facts or opinions expressed in manuscripts published in this journal. For Further Enquires, if any, please contact through following emails:;;