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CIGRE India Journal
Year : 2012, Volume : 1, Issue : 1
First page : ( 11) Last page : ( 16)
Print ISSN : 2250-0081. Online ISSN : 2250-009X.

Utility experience and future expectation from sub-station automation system based on IEC 61850

Jha I.S., Chandy Oommen, Rathore Kailash, Srivastava Rajil

Power Grid Corporation of India Limited

Online published on 12 July, 2012.


POWERGRJD is the Central Transmission Utility of India responsible for transmission planning, construction and O&M of interstate transmission network in India. In the past, POWERGRID was specifying sub·stations with conventional control and protection system which comprised of control panel, relay panels with hard wired system. After introduction of IEC 61850 which is a standard for communication systems in the sub-station, POWERGRID has started specifying sub-station automation system (SAS) with state of art communication technology conforming to IEC 61850 since year 2003. Presently more than 50 sub-stations equipped with sub-station automation system have been ordered for implementation. So far 1 no. 765/400/220kV and more than 20 nos. of 400/220kV substations equipped with sub-station automation system have been successfully charged and commissioned and remaining are under various stage of implementation. These sub-stations are having a very good mix of equipment from several major Sub-station automation and protection system supplier.

In the paper we discuss the specification of POWERGRID in brief, the reason of going for sub-station automation and their implementation. Paper also discusses various issues that cropped up during the execution of the project. With the availability of a large database from the Sub-station automation system, the future possibilities of shifting to condition based maintenance from periodic maintenance of the switchyard equipment, analysis of complex fault scenarios, analysis of equipment failure etc. are also discussed. Paper discusses ourexpectations and their fulfillment during actual execution including future possibilities.

In this paper we are going to discuss two case studies. In the first case we would discuss our experience on the substation automation system based on IEC 61850 supplied by one supplier mainly having IEDs from same family except the Main-II protection of transmission line which is of different make.

SAS is also used to transfer desired data to Regional Load Dispatch Genter (RLDC) on IEC 60870-101 protocol typically. POWERGRID sub-stations are required to transmit the data to respective RLDG on two independent channels on IEC 60870-101 on various communication links such as Power Line communication, Digital micro wave, optical fiber and radio finks. Experience of communication of SAS on IEC 60870-101 along with IEC 61850 to different masters is also shared in this paper.

The second case study presents our experience with a sub-station automation system wherein the extension of sub-station automation system was involved. In this case the main system was supplied by one vendor and the extension of the SAS was done by another vendor. The paper dIscusses various problem faced by us during such an extension. Also we discuss the limitation of IEC 61850 and our expectation from IEC 61850 for such extension jobs. The issue of configuring the IEDs for IEC 61850 application through various configuring software from different vendors, their limitation to configure the other supplier's fEDs are also discussed.

Benefits of sub-station automation system in generalandsub-station automation system with IEC 61850 in particular are highlightened at the end.



Sub-station Automation System, IEC 61850, Human Machine Interface (HMI), Intelligent Electronic Device (10).


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