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CIGRE India Journal
Year : 2012, Volume : 1, Issue : 1
First page : ( 5) Last page : ( 10)
Print ISSN : 2250-0081. Online ISSN : 2250-009X.

BHEL experience in implementation of IEC 61850 based sub-station automation system in India

Sinha A., Singh R., Chaklader G., Datta D.

Bharal Heavy Eleclricals Limited, India

Online published on 12 July, 2012.


Indian power system is growing at a rapid pace. The EHV AG transmission network which is presently Integrated at National level at 400 kV is being upgraded to 765 kV Experimental 1200 kV switchyard is being executed. HVDC stations and links are also being Integrated with the Be power system.

The increase in network complexities demands higher degree of automation and communication for remote control as well as power system management. Large number of Indian Utilities have adopted IEC 61850 based Substation Automation (SA) System to achieve the same.

BHEL has carried out implementation of IEC 61850 based SA Systems for the various power generation and transmission utilities in India.

Utilities in India have adopted the IEC 61850 technology in various ways. The paper brings out the variatIons In specifications and implementation methodologies adopted in the country. Starting from very basic implementations of IEC 61850 based SA Systems, the Indian utilities has evolved to Increasingly more and more functionalities.

BHEL being an independent system Integrator, It uses products and software from multiple global vendors for SA System solutions. The variations in implementations by the different product manufacturers as well as the problems encountered in multi-vendor system integration have been discussed. The paper also deliberates integration of various standalone systems for power generation utilities like Islanding scheme, Energy metering scheme and Power Plant Distributed Control System etc. BHEL experience in IEC 61850 system implementation for HVDG project has also been discussed. Also impact of IEC 61850 based SA System implementation in the context of overalf switchyard project cost has been deliberated.



Sub-Station Automation System, Bay Control Unit, Bay Protection Units, Intelligent Electronic Devices, GOOSE, Redundancy, Interlocking.


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