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Guidelines for Preparation of Papers

The full text of the paper in A4 (210mm x 297mm) size, after having been scrutinized and accepted, will be printed as received, by offset process. Therefore, the text of the paper in English must conform strictly to the following requirements and be free from errors.

Top/Bottom Margin

:   25mm (on first page 35mm)

Left/Right Margin

:   25 mm

Typing/print Area

:   160mm x 247mm (including folio), single space, single column

Total Pages

:   6-8 pages including figures, tables, photographs, etc., if any

Font Type

:   Helvetica/Times Roman/ Courier


:   14 Point BOLD CAPITALS

Author's Name

:   12 Point Bold Upper-Lower (below title of the paper). Do not prefix name with Mr./Ms./Dr./Prof.


:   11 Point italics (designation, organi-sation and place).

Main Headings

:   10 Point BOLD CAPITALS


:   10 Point Bold Upper-Lower


:   10 Point normal


:   Laser Print or Letter Quality.

The paper title, name(s) of author(s), and affiliation and address, center justified, should be typed in a space of 50 mm from the top margin on the first page. The paper should begin with a synopsis of not more than 200 words, describing the aims of the work, methods, adopted results obtained and conclusions.

Type the headings, subheadings and paragraphs aligned with the left-hand margin. Both side justified text is preferred. Use double space between paragraphs, and between section headings/subheadings and paragraphs. Do not number paragraphs, but number section and sub-sectional headings except synopsis in conformity with established convention.

The electronic copy should be prepared by using MS Word (suitable for Windows).

The figures should be placed nearest to the first reference in the text.

Paper can be sent by e-mail also, together with figures, graphs and charts, if any.

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