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Editorial Advisory Board

S.K. Chaturvedi,
     CMD POWERGRID & President, CIGRE India

B.P. Rao,
     CMD, BHEL and Vice President, CIGRE India.

N.N. Misra,
     Director (Opn.) and Vice President, CIGRE India

Mata Prasad,
     Founder President CIGRE India

Prof. S.C.Srivastava,
     Deptt. of Elect. Engg. IIT, Kanpur

Fran?ois MESLIER,
     Secretary General, CIGRE HQ, Paris

Dr. Mohinder S. Sachdev,
     University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Dr. Konstantin O. Papailiou,
     CEO, PFISTERER Holding AG and Chairman of CIGRE SC B2 on overhead lines

Mr. Ivan De Mesmaeker, Swedan,
     Former Chairman CIGRE SC B5 on Protection & Automation


V.K. Kanjlia,
     Secretary & Treasurer, CIGRE India & Secretary, CBIP

Associate Editor

P.P. Wahi,
     Director, CBIP

Vishan Dutt,
     Sr. Manager, CBIP

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