Genetic Diversity Studies in Clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub) Germplasm Collection Arora Deepak, Dhillon N.P.S., Sidhu A.S. Department of Vegetable Crops, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana Abstract Thirty genotypes of clusterbean were evaluated for genetic diversity by using Mahalanobis D2 statistics and grouped into twelve clusters. The genotypes chosen from the same eco-geographic region were found scattered into different clusters. The clustering together of the genotypes from the different regions into one cluster was also observed.The intra cluster distance was maximum in cluster VI and minimum in clusters VII, VIM, IX, X, XI and XII. Maximum inter cluster distance was calculated between clusters VII and XI and minimum between clusters III and VI. The hybridization between genotypes from the clusters VII and XI should give rise to highly heterotic hybrids and wide spectrum of variability in subsequent segregating generations. Top Index Words Clusterbean, Divergence, cyamopsis tetragonoloba. Top | |
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