Studies on Pollen Fertility in Interspecific Crosses of Pigeonpea Gangwar Lokesh Kumar, Bajpai G.C. Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar-263145, Uttaranchal Abstract The present investigation was designed to study pollen fertility in F3 generation of interspecific hybrids in pigeonpea. The male and female parents had complete pollen fertility (92.80%-98.23%). C. cajan x C. cajanifolius hybrids showed wide variation for pollen fertility (68.69%-89.20%). Maximum fertility was seen in C. cajan x C. scarabaeoides (74.23%-85.51). C. cajan x C. acutifolius segregants showed very poor fertility (8.02%-36.50%). The study will be helpful in identificaion of normal fertile segregants in interspecific hybrids. Top Index Words Pollen fertility, C. cajan, C. cajanfolius, C. acutifolius, C. scarabaeoides, pigeonpea. Top | |
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