Assessment of Genetic Potential of Maize Inbred Lines Belonging to Different Heterotic Pools in Maize Krishna M.S.R.1, Malhi N.S.1, Singh Harjinder1, Pal S.S.2 1Department of Plant Breeding, Genetics & Biotechnology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India 2Regional Research Station, Punjab Agricultural University, Gurdaspur, India Abstract Present investigation was aimed to assess the genetic potential of twenty four inbred lines representing two contrasting pools viz MS pool and Tux pool. Twelve inbred lines and three inbred testers from each pool were used to generate 72 F1 crosses in line x tester mating design by crossing twelve inbred lines of MS pool with the threeTux inbred testers and vice versa. Additive gene effects were found important for all traits except grain yield. Three lines from MS Pool (ML3, ML12, ML1) and three lines from Tux pool (TL1, TL2, TL10) were observed good combiners for earliness. Similarly one tester from each pool (TT2 & MT1,) were also observed good combiners for earliness. Among females, ML5, ML1 and ML11 from MS pool and TL6, TL7, TL12 and TL11 from Tux pool were found good combiners for grain yield. Among testers, the only good combiner was TT2. The hybrid TL7 x MT3 was identified to be significantly better than Paras the best hybrid check. Top Index Words Zea mays L., Line x tester, combining ability and single cross hybrids. Top |