Identification of Promising Parental Inbred Lines for Development of Quality Protein Maize Hybrids Kooner Ramneek1, Malhi N.S.1, Pal S.S.2, Singh Harjinder1 Department of Plant Breeding, Genetics & Biotechnology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India-141004 1Department of Plant Breeding, Genetics & Biotechnology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India
2Regional Research Station, Punjab Agricultural University, Gurdaspur, India
Abstract Line x tester analysis involving 20 advanced quality protein maize (QPM) inbred lines used as females and three QPM lines used as testers was carried out to identify superior parental lines and crosses on the basis of their combining ability. Data were recorded on six morphological characters and quality traits. Non-additive gene effects were found important for all traits studied except ear girth, grain yield per plot and 1000 grain weight. Among females, three lines (L13, L9 and L10) and among testers one tester (T1) were found good combiners for grain yield as well as for grain quality. L18 and T3 were observed to be good combiners for grain yield alone. Hybrids L14 x T1, L9 x T1, L13 x T2, L20 x T3 and L3 xT1 were identified to be significantly better both in terms of yield and quality. Top Index Words QPM, protein, tryptophan, combining ability, line x tester analysis. Top |