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Crop Improvement
Year : 2005, Volume : 32, Issue : 1
First page : ( 26) Last page : ( 34)
Print ISSN : 0256-0933. Online ISSN : 2231-4563.

Simulating Natural Infection of Wheat Ovaries With Tilletia indica and Interaction With Date of Sowing and Varieties

Kaur Gurbir, Kaur Satvinder

Department of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana


Under experimental conditions, when plants of WL 711 were (i) spray inoculated with sporidial inoculum of Tilletia indica, disease occurred from growth stage GS 51 to 65. When inoculum (ii) droplets were placed at the base of the flag leaf whorl before the emergence of the ear from the boot at GS 51–57, Karnal bunt infected grains were produced. Significant differences in incidence of disease were recorded with respect to quantity of inoculum applied and the disease was maximum, when the inoculum drops measured 0.5ml containing 50,000 sporidia per ml and these were placed thrice within 72 h, as compared to inoculating once or twice. Significant differences in disease were observed with date of sowing within varieties PBW 343, HD 2329 and WL 711. Although amount of disease developed was less in these two methods as compared to boot inoculations, yet the trends were similar. The variety WL 711 had the longest susceptible phase as severe disease occurred from GS 51–65, where as in HD 2329 the disease was relatively less at these growth stages and in PBW 343 incidence of disease was more at GS 65 than at GS 51, indicating that it had the narrowest susceptibility window between these two stages.


Index Words

Drop inoculations, Karnal bunt, Sowing date, Spray Inoculations, Varieties, Wheat.


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