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Crop Improvement
Year : 2005, Volume : 32, Issue : 1
First page : ( 7) Last page : ( 13)
Print ISSN : 0256-0933. Online ISSN : 2231-4563.

Development of PBW 343 Near Isogenic Lines for Leaf Rust Resistance Genes Lr24 and Lr28

Chhuneja Parveen*, Kaur Satinder, Vikal Yogesh, Bains N. S., Dhaliwal H.S.#

Department of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004


#Deptt. of Biotechnology, Indian institute of Technology, Rourkee


PBW 343 has become the most widely cultivated variety of the country occupying an area of about 7 million hectares, primarily in the North Western Plains Zone of India. PBW 343 is presently showing indications of monoculture-induced resistance breakdown against leaf rust though incidence in the farmers field may still be below a yield damaging threshold. Alien genes Lr24 (from Agropyron elongatum) and Lr28 (from Aegilops speltoides) are available in cultivated wheat backgrounds and are effective against most of the prevalent leaf rust pathotypes of Indian subcontinent. These two genes were transferred to PBW 343 in two separate backcross programmes leading to a set of BC5F4 lines and BC4F2 populations for Lr24 and Lr28, respectively. The gene transfers were followed in the backcross generations through disease reaction at the seedling stage as well as under field conditions. The SCAR markers linked to leaf rust resistance genes Lr24 and Lr28 were used to validate the identity and to confirm the transfer of these genes in PBW 343 background. Eleven BC5F4 lines carrying Lr24 in PBW 343 background were evaluated for yield, yield components and other agronomic traits. Reconstitution of PBW343 traits was observed in most of the near isogenic lines (NILs).


Index Words

Leaf rust, Near Isogenic Lines(NILs), Puccinia triticina, SCAR markers, Triticum aestivum, wheat.


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