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Guidelines to Authors

Please consult the Guidelines before submitting the article to the Current Horticulture. The guidelines are of very practical approach and utility. These have been finalized by consulting the authors and Editors of research journals of the international repute.

The Current Horticulture is published bi-annually. Consequently, it will be converted into a quarterly publication in the near future. The types of articles needed for publication in the journal are:

Types of Articles

  • Research Articles (full length articles)

  • Short Notes (short communications)

  • Research Review Articles

  • Research Opinions

  • Book Reviews

  • Research News

Manuscript Preparation

The manuscript should be typed in double space. The pages should be numbered consequently, starting with the title page and through the text, reference list, tables and figures/ legends.


The TITLE should be short, catchy, specific, informative and amenable to indexing. It must have all vital key words of your research findings, including nature of the study and technical approach.

Short Title/Jump Heading

The SHORT TITLE/JUMP HEADING is given as a heading in running text pages in the journal. It should have important key words.


The ABSTRACT is most important component of the article. It should contain very brief account of materials and methods, and results, discussion and conclusion. Do not use more than 150 words in abstract. So that readers can get the gist of the article and need not refer to the article except for details. It should explain the significance of the results and should not have references to literature, illustrations and tables.

Key Words

Give at least 5 KEY WORDS. They should be chosen carefully and must not be phrases of words. They should be given separately.


The INTRODUCTION should be brief and limited. It should relate only to the problem or the aim and scope of the experiment or study conducted by you.


The TEXT should be intelligible to readers in different disciplines and technical terms should be defined. Tables and figures should be referred to in numerical order. All symbols and abbreviations must be defined and used when necessary. Superscripts and subscripts should be clearly indicated. The units of measure should be metric.


The line drawings should be roughly twice of their final printed size. The photographs must have a scale bar, which should be defined clearly in the legend.

The map of India, if forming a part of the article, must conform to official maps released by the Survey of India, giving reference to the source of map.

The letter size in figures should be sufficiently large to be clear after reduction to print size.

Materials and Methods

Give relevant details of MATERIALS AND METHODS containing experimental design and the techniques used. Cite standard work done. Statistical methods should be dealt in detail. Mean results with relevant standard error should be given rather than detailed data.

Results and Discussion

The RESULTS AND DISCUSSION should be combined to avoid the repetition. The Results should be supported by brief but adequate number of tables or graphs etc. Use metric unit system, e.g. km, m, cm etc. Tables and illustrations should be up to 20% of the text only. Both tables and illustrations should not repeat the same data. Cite adequate number of latest references. Old references should be avoided except standard ones.


The REFERENCES should have author-year system. Give sir names of authors first, followed by their initials, year of publication, full title of article, name of the journal (without abbreviations; if you use abbreviations, write standardized abbreviations only), volume (No. in bold), issue No. (in parenthesis) and complete page-range. Ensure that names and year in the text correspond to those of given in the list of references. In case of books, give name of book, complete name of publisher and place of publication of books. For proceedings, complete details should be given.

Research Review Article

The RESEARCH REVIEW ARTICLES suggest new avenues of research, pointing out lacunae in research globally. Do not leave any point of future course of action.

Page Limit

The page limit for a full length article is 3,500 words or 10-12 typed pages in double space, while for a Short Note, it is up to 1,500 words or 4-5 typed pages in double space.

For details, please consult: Style Manual for Biological Journals, edn 4, published by the Council of Biology Editors, Inc., for writing scientific articles.

At the Editor?s Desk

After receiving the article, it is scrutinized at the level of the Editor. If it fulfills the scientific requirement and is well-written and well-presented in the format of the Journal, it is sent to the subject-matter specialists/referees. The article is considered for publication on the basis of referees' comments.

For Details and Electronic Mode for Submitting Article:

E-mail: editorcurrenthort@gmail.com, dramarskashyap@gmail.com

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