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Bio Science Research Bulletin
Year 2010, Volume-26, Issue-2 (July–December)
Print ISSN : 0970-0889
Online ISSN : 2320-3161

Table of contents

Stochastic shock model for modafinil increases histamine release in the anterior hypothalamus of rats
S. Lakshmi, R. Punithavathi

A preliminary study on susceptibility of Escherichia coli strain nissle 1917 to transition metal stress
P. Seshapani, G. Ramanjaneyulu, V. Kiran Kumar, D. Jayasimha Rayalu, S. Murali Mohan, N.V. Naidu, J. Pramoda Kumari

A study on availability of fluoride from soil to food and diet in the population of mangalagiri mandal, Andhra Pradesh
V. Chinnari Harika, Ch. Manjula, K. Sunita

A mathematical non cumulative damage model for the secretion of glutamate and dopamine due to the stress effect in terms of ketamine
S. Lakshmi, S. Pamela

Prediction of rain fall through the moving averages model
K. Kiran Prakash, B. Ravindhar Reddy, R. Abbaiah

Procamallanus vysakhi n.sp (Nematoda: camallanidae) from marine fish, Johnius carutta bloch, at Visakhapatnam
I. Rajya Lakshmi

A study on prevalence and nutritional status of diabetes in a rural area nambur, guntur district, India
V. Chinnari Harika, M. Prasanna Lakshmi, Ch. Manjula, K. Sunita

M/M/1/N Queueing model for the secretion of dhea due to human stress
S. Lakshmi, B. Geetharani

Influence of life styles and locations factors on mite in the dust of air conditioner filter, in three different regions in jeddah governorate
Nada. O. Edrees

A mathematical model predicts hpa axis response in late adulthood due to childhood separation
S. Lakshmi, S. Alamelu

Fuzzy mathematical modeling, numerical approximation and computational simulation on the absorption of drugs into the blood stream
S. Jayakumar, B. Arunraj

An introduction for exploring the strategic role of learning, teaching, research, and generation in building and evolving brains for optimal capacity
S.C.P. Halakatti

Development a method for controlling Varroa destructor with biopesticides under egyptian and saudi conditions
O. Nada Edrees, A.A. Abdelaal, H.M.A. Heikal

A mathematical model for the secretion of glucocorticoid due to human stress
S. Lakshmi, I. Christy Raj


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