Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika
Year 2021, Volume-36, Issue-4 (December)
Print ISSN: 0303-3821
Online ISSN: 0976-4631 Table of Contents Modeling and forecasting of agricultural commodity production under changing climatic condition: A review Rahul Banerjee, Pankaj Das, Bharti, Tauqueer Ahmad, Manish Kumar Azolla as a green fodder feed supplent of cross breed cows in District-Sehore (M.P.) Suresh Chand Kantwa, Upesh Kumar, S.J. Patel Enhancing mustard production through frontline demonstration Rakesh Choudhary, Mamta Nehra Termidegradation: Solution for solid waste menace Radhika Sharma, Madhu Sharma Hydroponics checking and control framework: An IoT based methodology: A review S.R. Balaji, K. Santhosh Hermetic storage technology for food grains: New beginning of organic and safe storage for farmers and consumers: A review Vinod T. Atkari, Krantidip R. Pawar, Sujit C. Patil Amaranth and date flavoured milk Dasharath Patel, Suneeta Pinto, Sunil Patel Advancement of agricultural technology in farming of India Avinash Sharma, V.S. Devadas, Hemant Sharma, Bhagya, D. Kartha, Himanshu Pandey, Gaytri Soni, Supriya Sharma, Nirupa Kumari Occurrence of antimicrobial resistant Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus sp. in faecal samples of wild birds Harshita Raghav, Kajal Jadav, Joycee Jogi, Uttam Yadav, Nidhi Rajput Potential of lactic acid bacteria in plant growth promotion P.S. Abhyankar, A.B. Gunjal, B.P. Kapadnis, S.V. Ambade Reproduction performance of Kashmir Merino sheep at an organized farm of Kashmir Ishfaq Ahamad, Mubashir Ali Rather, Imran Bashir, Tariq A. Malik Outlier removal in sheep farm datasets using winsorization Ambreen Hamadani, Nazir A. Ganai, Tariq Raja, Safeer Alam, Syed Mudasir Andrabi, Ishraq Hussain, Haider Ali Ahmad Performance of green gram (Vigna radiata L.) as influenced by sulphur and iron application Maddila Teja, Rabindra Kumar, V. Gopijagadeeswar Reddy, M. Vikram Sai, M. Sai Kumar Impact of training programme on farmers knowledge and adoption about Bengal gram production technology A.M. Tayade, U.R. Chinchmalatpure A study on morphological growth and development of Swiss Albino Mice, Wistar Rat and Dunkin Hartley Guinea Pigs K. Abhijeet, Y.B. Rajeshwari, Vivek M. Patil, R.Y. Ranjith, S.M. Ali, G.S. Shaswath, S.K. Bhandekar, Akash Katiyar, K.D. Masood, Prabha Karan Zero tillage (ZT) potato cultivation Archita Ojah, Dhiraj Bhattacharjee Oats as a functional food Dhavalagi Pallavi, Jayashri P. Hiremath, Madhusudan, N.M. Labrador retriever a perfect apartment dog: A review Ajit Pal Singh Top |