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Suggestions for Authors

  • Research papers encompassing the fields of life sciences viz. Botany, Zoology, Environmental Science, Biophysics, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Microbiology, Agriculture, Horticulture, Food Science & Technology, Medical & Veternary Sciences and related areas will be considered for publication in “Bioinfolet“.

  • Papers based on experiments will be preferred rather than information based articles.

  • The manuscript, to be submitted for publication in “Bioinfolet” should be typed in double space. The paper should be in the form of either:

    1. Research paper not exceeding 6 typed pages,
    2. Research communication up to 3 typed pages, or
    3. Research note up to 500 words for mailbox.
  • Research communication in running form be headed by title, author’s name (s) & address, abstract (up to 200 words) along with 4-5 key words.

  • The references arranged alphabetically should be given at the end with following pattern:
    Gangawane, L. V. and Nehemiah, A. K. M. (1980) Geobios 7: 43.
    Panse, V. G. and Sukhatme, P. V. (1978) “Statistical Methods for Agricultural Workers”, I.C.A.R., New Delhi, pp 1-22.

  • The Abstract is not necessary for research communication and note.

  • Research note under mailbox shall be with brief title, followed by text, author(s) name(s) along with address and ending with references.

  • The edited papers will be accepted for publication in “Bioinfolet” in consultation with referee and published after receiving processing / printing charges.

  • The authors will have to revise the paper if the referee/editor suggests.

  • The papers will be processed only after receiving annual subscription of all authors.

  • Enquiry about publication of paper be made after four months.

  • Acceptance letter will not be given in advance

  • The Senior author should ensure that the manuscript submitted to Bioinfolet for publication has not been published or sent for publication elsewhere.

  • The Editors and publisher will not be responsible for authenticity of the data, results obtained and conclusions drawn by the author.

  • Manuscript in the form of typescript along with illustrations/photographs and / or the C.D. typed in MS-word/Adobe Pagemaker will be appreciated.

  • Research Papers sent by e-mail will be appreciated and processed immediately.

  • The authors are requsted to submit two copies of the paper for publication to:

Prof. A. M. Mungikar,
“Madhukunj” 13 Pannalal Nagar, New Osmanpura,
Aurangabad 431 005 (M. S.), India.
(E-mail: bioinfolet@yahoo.com)

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