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Suggestions for Authors

BIOINFOLET” is an online quarterly Journal of Life Sciences.

Research papers related to various fields of life sciences such as Botany, Zoology, Environmental Sciences, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Agriculture, Horticulture, Food Science and technology, medical and veterinary Sciences etc. will be considered for publication in BIOINFOLET.

Papers based on experiments will be preferred rather than information based articles.

The manuscript, to be submitted for publication in “Bioinfolet” should be typed in double space. The paper should be in the form of either:

Research paper not exceeding 6 - 10 typed pages,

Short communication up to 3 – 4 typed pages.

Research paper in running form should be headed by title, author's name (s), affiliation (s), address, abstract (up to 200 words) along with 4 - 5 key words.

The references should be arranged alphabetically and given at the end with following pattern:

Gangawane, L. V. and Nehemiah, A. K. M. (1980) Geobios 7: 43.

Panse, V. G. and Sukhatme, P. V. (1978) “Statistical Methods for Agricultural Workers”, I.C.A.R., New Delhi, pp 1-22.

The Abstract is not necessary for short communication.

The edited papers will be accepted for publication in consultation with referee and published after receiving publication charges.

The authors will have to revise the paper if the referee/editor suggests.

The Senior author should ensure that the manuscript submitted to Bioinfolet for publication has not been published or sent for publication elsewhere.

The corresponding author will receive soft copy of his paper along with cover page and contents, only after online publication of the journal.

Soft copy of the paper will not be provided in advance.

The Editors and publisher will not be responsible for authenticity of the data, results obtained and conclusions drawn by the author.

The research papers may be submitted online on either of following e-mails :




Address For Communication :

Prof. A. M. Mungikar, First floor, “Madhukunj” 13 Pannalal Nagar, New Osmanpura, Aurangabad 431 005 (M. S.), India. (Phone : 8805546220)

Please visit indianjournals.com to view outline of the journal, e.g. contents and Title, authors, Abstract and key words of each paper.

View complete journal on indianjournals.com after paying annual subscription.

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Name of The Account Holder : Anil M. Mungikar

Type of The Account : Saving

Bank : Bank of Maharashtra

Place : Aurangabad, Maharashtra, 431 005

Branch : University

Account Number : 20060648145

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