Email id

Editorial Board


Dr. Anil Madhukarrao Mungikar
Ex. Professor and Head, Department of Botany,
Dr. Babasaheb Anbedkar Marathwada University,
Aurangabad 431 004
Email ID: mungikaranilm@yahoo.com
Mobile no., 8805546220

Advisory Board

Dr. D. S. Pokale
Ex. Professor and Head, Department of Botany,
Dr. Babasaheb Anbedkar Marathwada University,
Aurangabad 431 004
Email ID,: dspokale2005@gmail.com Mobile no., 9850961315

Dr. A. S. Dhabe.
Professor and Head, Department of Botany,
Dr. Babasaheb Anbedkar Marathwada University,
Aurangabad 431 004
Email ID,: arvindsdhabe@gmail.com Mobile no., 96233 00222

Dr. R. D. Madhekar
Pofessor and Head, Department of Botany,
S.B.E.S.'s College of Science, Saraswati Colony,
Aurangabad 431 001
Email ID,: madhekar.ravi@gmail.com Mobile no.,: 7972976082

Dr. A. M. Chavam
Ex-Pofessor and Head, Department of Botany,
Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University,
Aurangabad 431 004
Email ID,: drashokchavan@gmail.com Mobile no.,:7030441177

Dr. A. S. Bhuktar
Pofessor and Head, Department of Botany,
Vivekanand Mahavidyalaya, Samarth Nagar,
Aurangabad 431 001
Email ID,: asbhuktar@gmail.com Mobile no., : 9130183799

Dr. B. W. Patunkar
Kamalnayan Bajaj Trust,
Aurangabad 431 001
Email ID,: patunkar_anup@yahoo.co.in Mobile no., : 9921851481

Dr. P. B. Papdiwal
Ex-Pofessor, Department of Botany,
Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University,
Aurangabad 431 004
Email ID,: pbpapdiwal@yahoo.co.in Mobile no., 9922460646

Dr. V. N. Pardeshi
Ex-Head, Department of Botany,
S. B. E. S.'s College of Science, Saraswati Coloni,
Aurangabad 431 001
Email ID,: drvnpardesh@gmail.com Mobile no: 9420810160

Dr. S. K.Markendaya
Ex-Director, The Institute of Science,
Caves Road, Aurangabad 431 004
Email ID,: director@inosca.org Mobile no: 9890615477

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