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Baba Farid University Nursing Journal
Year 2013, Volume-4, Issue-1 (June)
Print ISSN : 2277-9418
Online ISSN : 2278-0548

Table of contents

Prof. H.C. Rawat

Review Articles

Surfactant replacement therapy
P Joshi, HC Rawat, N Subbiah

Non-compliance after renal transplantation
Adhikari Uma Rani

Research Articles

Problems during menopause transition among women
Gursharanpreet Kaur, Hardeep Kaur

Effectiveness of relaxation techniqueson patients with hypertension
Rohini Sharma

Effectiveness of structured teachingprogramme on knowledge regarding cervical cancer among women in selected rural areas of district Hoshiarpur, Punjab
Hardeep Kaur, Hardeep Kaur

An experimental study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls in selected schools, Punjab

Lifestyle modification and glycemic control in diabetes mellitus type 2
Prabhjot Saini, Jasbir Kaur

Practices regarding birth preparednessamong antenatal women of Ludhiana, Punjab
Mamta, Nidhi Sagar, Jasbir Kaur

An attempt to improve the knowledge of teachers regarding breast self examination
K. Darshan Sohi

Level of satisfaction among officials: astudy of national tuberculosis control programme in Faridkot district, Punjab
Neelam Kumari, Raj Rani, R.K. Sharma

Occupational hazards and safety issuesamong nurses working in the intensive care units
Dasila K Prabha, Veer V Bharti

Skill development in using a metered doseinhaler (mdi) with and without spacer by patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Achala Aggarwal, Ramesh Thakur, Ritesh Agarwal, Jogindra Vati Gupta

To assesss cultural beliefs, customs, norms in the child rearing practices among the selected population of rural community of district Patiala
Krishna Thakur, Davinder Kaur, S. Jaspal, Nancy Puri

A descriptive study to assess the quality of life among women with cervical carcinoma in selected hospital of Punjab
Jasmeen Kaur, Bhupinder Kaur, H.K Saini


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