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Baba Farid University Nursing Journal
Year : 2013, Volume : 4, Issue : 1
First page : ( 67) Last page : ( 71)
Print ISSN : 2277-9418. Online ISSN : 2278-0548.

To assesss cultural beliefs, customs, norms in the child rearing practices among the selected population of rural community of district Patiala

Thakur Krishna1, Kaur Davinder2,*, Jaspal S.3, Puri Nancy4

1Professor, Gian Sagar College of Nursing, Ram Nagar

2Associate Professor, Gian Sagar College of Nursing, Ram Nagar

3Professor cum Principal, Gian Sagar College of Nursing, Ram Nagar

4Lecturer, Gian Sagar College of Nursing, Ram Nagar

*Address for Correspondence: DAVINDER KAUR Associate Professor, Gian Sagar, CON, Ram Nagar, Rajpura Distt. Patiala, Punjab Contact number: 9855045710 E-mail: dav6aug@hotmail.com

Online published on 29 November, 2017.



Child rearing (CR) refers to bringing-up of children by parents or parent substitutes. It consists of practices that are grounded in cultural patterns and beliefs. Mother is responsible for attending to all the needs of the infant. The present study was done with an aim to assess the cultural beliefs, customs, norms in the child rearing practices so that effective measures can be taken to eradicate injurious traditions as it will ultimately promote better and positive physical, mental and social health of child.

Material and Methods

Cross sectional survey was carried out at rural community of district Patiala. Total 40 mothers were selected by purposive sampling from the village. Informed verbal consent was taken from mothers prior to distribution of self reporting questionnaire. Statistical analysis was done by using different statistical methods.


There was no significant association (p>0.05) between total score and age of mother, religion, age of child, type of family, literacy status of mother and gender of child but there was significant association (p<0.05) between total score of mothers and their source of income.


Different cultures have different child rearing practices, customs and beliefs which affect the upbringing of child. These customs, beliefs and practices are well routed in our Indian society.



Cultural beliefs, Customs, Norms, Child Rearing Practices.


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