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Baba Farid University Nursing Journal
Year : 2013, Volume : 4, Issue : 1
First page : ( 42) Last page : ( 46)
Print ISSN : 2277-9418. Online ISSN : 2278-0548.

An attempt to improve the knowledge of teachers regarding breast self examination

Sohi K. Darshan1,*

1Principal, Chief Khalsa Diwan International Nursing College, Amritsar

*Address for Correspondence: DR. DARSHAN K SOHI Principal, Chief Khalsa Diwan International Nursing College, Amritsar Ph.: 94172–47341

Online published on 29 November, 2017.



Breast cancer if detected early is curable in 90% of the cases but the tragedy is that most patients don't come to a doctor till there is very little can be done. BSE exam has been recommended as an important cheap and easy method for early detection of breast cancer as in 85% cases, there is five year survival rate when it is detected and treated early at the localized stage and this rate decreases to 55% once breast cancer is detected later.

Aim of the study

To assess and teach the teachers of Sri Guru Harkrishan Public Schools in Amritsar city running under Chief Khalsa Diwan Society regarding Breast Self Examination (BSE).

Material & Methods

A structured teaching programme was delivered to participants in groups with the help of PPTs and video pictures. Pretest and posttest knowledge was compared by applying statistical formulas.


The knowledge level of the teachers was average and below average before imparting STP but it raised to good and excellent after structured teaching programme. Variables like age, education and previous knowledge of the participants had impact on knowledge of BSE and other variables had no impact on knowledge score but STP had definite impact on knowledge of BSE among study subjects.


It was conluded from the study that STP has a good impact in improving the knowledge regarding Breast Self Examination.



Breast cancer, teachers, Breast Self Examination.


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