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Baba Farid University Nursing Journal
Year : 2013, Volume : 4, Issue : 1
First page : ( 36) Last page : ( 41)
Print ISSN : 2277-9418. Online ISSN : 2278-0548.

Practices regarding birth preparednessamong antenatal women of Ludhiana, Punjab

 Mamta1,*, Sagar Nidhi2, Kaur Jasbir3

1Lecturer, DMCH, College of Nursing, Ludhiana, Punjab

2Reader, DMCH, College of Nursing, Ludhiana, Punjab

3Principal, DMCH, College of Nursing, Ludhiana, Punjab

*Address for Correspondence: MAMTA Lecturer, College of Nursing DMC&H, Ludhiana, Pb. E-mail: kumar_mamta02@yahoo.com Mob. 9988036433

Online published on 29 November, 2017.



Maternal mortality is a substantial burden in developing countries. There are many factors which determine the maternal mortality and one of them is lack of birth preparedness. Birth preparedness practices are associated with maternal mortality, maternal morbidity and obstetric complications and these practices are generally low among antenatal women due to lack of awareness, illiteracy and low socio economic status. Therefore, a descriptive study was conducted to assess the practices regarding birth preparedness among antenatal women.


To assess the practices regarding birth preparedness among antenatal women.

Materials & Methods

A descriptive study was conducted in Feb-2012 on 80 conveniently selected antenatal mothers (of 3rd trimester) visiting antenatal OPD of DMC & Hospital, Ludhiana. Data was collected through structured interview schedule. Data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics.


The findings revealed that more than one fourth 21 (26.25%) of antenatal women had excellent practices, followed by more than half 41 (51.25%) of antenatal women had good practices, 12 (15.00%) had average practices and rest 6 (07.50%) had below average practices regarding birth preparedness.


The findings revealed that despite of various prevailing programmes there is lack of birth preparedness. So, to reduce the burden of maternal morbidity and mortality in developing countries; there is great need of all the health workers to work hand in hand to educate the women regarding birth preparedness and to improve the practices.



Birth preparedness, antenatal women.


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