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Baba Farid University Nursing Journal
Year : 2016, Volume : 11, Issue : 2
First page : ( 43) Last page : ( 50)
Print ISSN : 2277-9418. Online ISSN : 2278-0548.

Factors influencing the time of antenatal registeration and its impact on the labour and neonatal outcome among the postnatal mothers

Kaur Hajiwanjot1,*, Kaur Sharanjit2, Kaur Bhupinder3

1Nursing Tutor, SKSSCON, Ludhiana

2Lecturer, UCON, BFUHS, Faridkot

3Professor, UCON, BFUHS, Faridkot

*Address for correspondence Ms. Harjiwanjot Kaur Nursing Tutor, Shaheed Kartar Singh Sarabha College of Nursing, Raikot, Ludhiana M. No. 9781809290 Email: harjiwan97818@gmail.com

Online published on 21 March, 2018.



Antenatal care (ANC) refers to the care that is given to an expectant mother from the time that conception is confirmed until the beginning of labor; adequate utilization of antenatal care is associated with improved maternal and neonatal health outcomes. Getting ANC within 0–3 months of pregnancy are considered as early booking and getting after four months are considered as late pregnancy. In India, both child mortality (especially neonatal mortality) and maternal mortality are high. Six out of every 100 children born in India die before reaching 1 year of age and approximately three out of every 1000 mothers who become pregnant die of causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. India accounts for more than one-fifth of all maternal deaths world-wide.

Aim of the study

To assess the factors influencing the time of antenatal registration and its impact on the labour and neonatal outcome among the postnatal mothers.

Material & methods

A quantitative approach with descriptive design was selected for the present study. 100 postnatal mothers were selected by convenience sampling technique. Socio demographic data sheet and self structured checklist were selected to assess the factors influencing the time of antenatal registration and its impact on the labour and neonatal outcome.


The present study revealed that 48% postnatal mothers had early antenatal registration and 52% had late antenatal registration. Factors such as postnatal mothers had perception of being at high risk and lack of knowledge about the importance of antenatal check up, influence the late antenatal registration and these factors have an impact on the labour and neonate outcome which is significant at p <0.05 level


The findings of the study revealed that 48% postnatal mothers had registered their pregnancy early and 52% had registered late. There was statistically significant association of time of antenatal registration of pregnancy with labor and fetal outcome.



Time of antenatal registration, factors, postnatal mothers, labour outcome, neonate outcomeugreek seed powder.


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