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Baba Farid University Nursing Journal
Year : 2016, Volume : 11, Issue : 2
First page : ( 23) Last page : ( 27)
Print ISSN : 2277-9418. Online ISSN : 2278-0548.

Effectiveness of deep breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation technique on stress among amputated patients

Kaur Manpreet1, Kumar Anil2,*, Maheshwari Sushil Kumar3

1Ex M. Sc. Nursing Student, UCON, BFUHS, Faridkot

2Lecturer, UCON, BFUHS, Faridkot

3Associate Professor, UCON, BFUHS, Faridkot

*Address for Correspondence Mr. anil kumar Lecturer, University College of Nursing, BFUHS, Faridkot M. No. 9780008707 Email: anilsahu.online@gmail.com

Online published on 21 March, 2018.



Amputation is the loss of a body part, usually a finger, toe, arm or leg. People who have limb loss are at higher risk of depression or stress. Relaxation techniques are a great way to help with stress management such as deep breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation technique (PMRT).


To assess the effectiveness of deep breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation technique on stress among amputated patients in selected hospitals of Punjab.

Material & methods

A quasi experimental (two group pre test post test) research design was chosen for the study. Convenient sampling with random allocation technique was used to select 60 amputated patients having stress. The subjects in experimental group (n=30) were provided deep breathing exercises and PMRT and conventional treatment and in control group (n=30) only conventional therapy was provided. Modified Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and Socio demographic data sheet was used to collect the data. Deep breathing exercises and PMRT was provided twice a day for ten minutes for two weeks.


There was significant difference in stress score after two weeks of deep breathing exercises and PMRT in experimental group (p value 0.026) as compared to control group. Stress had significant relationship with age, marital status, educational status, cause of amputation, site of amputation.


The study concluded that deep breathing exercises and PMRT was effective in reducing stress among amputated patients after two weeks (twice for ten minutes) of intervention in experimental group. Stress was more often in above or equal to 56 years of age group, widow/widower, illiterate and amputation due to crush injury, having Above Knee Amputation (AKA).



Stress, amputated patients, deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation technique, perceived stress scale.


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